Sunday, November 30, 2014

Negativity in the World Today.

     Recently I have been posting to the yahoo news feeds about stories that catch in my interest and I find the comments more interesting then the story most of the time due to the negative remarks people are willing to make. I made a comment of Liftetime's movie about the late singer Aailyah and what I commented on was the ending in which was the only part of the movie I saw. Apparently she was involved with a man whom was in his mid twenties and supposedly married her when she was only 15 but someone gentlemen replied in a most unkind manner. He implied I was saying I was for old men molesting/raping young girls when in fact how would I say that if I hadn't known that part of the story? His righteous attitude justified him telling me to go kill myself and that he hopes my own 15 year old Daughter had a man molest/rape her. I said I had that happen to me already at the age of ten then I stated I only commented on the ending that I had not seen the part of the movie his was referring too. Yet, I am told to end my life and he hoped a child of mine would be molested and he wants me to think he's the good person here. NO! He is not justified telling anyone to end their life and someone whom is not as emotionally healthy as I am which is not as healthy as I like to be but still they would do what this man told them to do. Sad thing is the person ending their life on his words would be fully blamed and the one speaking those words innocent and of responsibility of his words. He is responsible for the impact his negative words have upon another. I fully take responsibility for my own words.

     Do think if you call someone a monster then turn around telling someone to kill themselves and hope a child becomes a victim and think it makes you appear to be the good guy? NO IT DOESN'T! I have been a person whom has been negative most of my life and now I'm looking back at those times in order to move forward in a more healthier direction. I'm tired of being negative about life and especially towards myself with my own self verbal abuse which I still do once in a while but I am slowly getting past that. I may not want to see how negative the world is but I also know that the world is always going to have negative things in for the rest of my life and into the next generation. What good does it do to avoid it when its part of life? I tried avoiding it once and found out that it is always going to be there so I decided to change how I react to the negativity that is thrown at me.  Instead of giving into it and agree with others as well I found myself letting them say what they wanted but I would not respond in anger nor will I allow their words to do me harm.

      People throw their words out like it was absolute truth when that is truly impossible especially though online social media.  I find the cruelty of their words impact upon my friends and  their responding with anger which only seems to fuel those accusing my friends of things that are untrue.  Just like Bill Crosby I cannot say he's innocent nor guilty for I am not he nor he me.  Telling someone to end their live isn't someone whom is a caring person or doing the right thing.  Nor is someone whom threatens to end their life and go get help you are crazy anyway is not the right attitude either for that makes a person feel as if you are uncaring and cold heart'd.  We cannot truly know each other through a small post on a topic only through reaching out to a person and actually chatting with them can we start learning about whom they are.  We are the tools we used to build connections, relationships, and bonds of love have gone?  I wish that I knew because we seem to have lost them these days or we just don't want to use them either way we need to stop being so judgmental that we attack more innocent people then taking the right action to prevent the guilty from continuing to do harm.

     My only advice against someone else's negative words is to say. 'do you feel better now if so good because now I'm happy to have helped you feel better about yourself.  Trying to not allow their words to hurt isn't easy but reminding yourself that you are a good person and one that is worthy of life.  No one else but yourself can take that feeling away and I mean if you allow their negative words to come alive through your believing them then you are doing the damage now.  They began the damage but you keep it going by believing in those words and you do not deserve to make their words come alive you are a worthy human being because you have a beautiful heart, soul, and survived more then anyone should have been exposed to in life.  Those whom have faith in a higher being (God) also need to know that having faith in you as well is something that can make your life better.  If you don't believe in a higher being that is fine as long as you have faith in whom you are and do what is right by yourself as for your fellow man.  I'm working on that in my own life nothing is that easy but removing the one enemy that is always going to stand in your way is a start and that enemy is ourself.  I'm still fighting myself but my good and true friends are walking beside me saying you're not alone we believe in you.  Now believe in yourself too because I hate walking this path alone and I know so do you.  Watch for how your words affect others but more important how they truly affect yourself and I mean your own words not just others.

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