Friday, November 16, 2012

Something's missing but do I need it or not?

Something was cut off before I knew what is was because I was only ten when it happened and as a adult I find that I don't know what most normal people know.  Life is a journey that I walk each day learning what I can along the way but what if something is cut before you have a chance to discover it when others discover it on their own?  I'm not sure but I do know that I'm reaching out to know whom this person who is the mirror's reflection.  How do you find the person you're seeking if you are not whole?  A journey filled of uncertainty and exploration into unknown territory for which I gladly shall walk.  Life is beautiful even though is has pain along the way of your journey.  I hadn't always seen that because of the piece's that were cut unknown to me at the time but now I wonder if it is possible to regain what was cut even though I do not know for sure what it was.  How can one go back in time to find those things that are lost before they were delivered?  Does it make my a incomplete person?  Perhaps not whom knows after all if I had what was cut would I be the same person now?  Chances are so maybe I should not focus on what is cut and lost forever but discover what is new and yet to be discovered about the person whom is me.  We never know why we walk our paths of pain and despair but without mine I feel the person looking back in the mirror would not be as kind or warm heart'd as a person.  There are trails of life that I could not ever imagine going through like the loss of a child that is a pain so deep that it never fully heals.  I was never blessed with a child of my own but for those whom are I say this always cherish that child no matter whether they are good or bad at times.  Life is short and no one knows when that life ends and always loving those around you is a gift in itself.  

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